Friday, March 7, 2014

Eliza Mdezo dies

Grief engulfed ADRA Malawi staff on Friday after the death of Elizabeth Mdezo.  Eliza died in the early hours of Friday, March 7 at Mwaiwathu Hospital in Blantyre after a long battle with cancer.
When the news broke, the state of shock was overwhelming among staff and Dyson Mbengo, ADRA Malawi Human Resource Officer described the passing on of Eliza as huge loss for ADRA Malawi.
Eliza was until her death ADRA Malawi Chief Accountant and at some point served as Acting Finance Director. She is survived by two children, Stanley and Emma. According to family members, Eliza would be buried in Nkhatabay, her home area on Monday, March 10.

1 comment:

Yowa Nthenga said...

Eliza my sister in-law its sad that you're indeed gone.As an accountant myself you were always my Motivator.A very humble lady who treated everybody with respect ,an ambitious woman full of future I will always miss you.It was with tears that i watched your casket as it was being lowered at Mlole beside lake Malawi where you are resting now.Mlamu I CANT believe it but anyway its God Plan and I find solace in the Lord.May your soul rest in peace.Amen.