It was encouraging to note that a lot success has been registered in the area of food security which is one of the major components of ADRA Malawi project activities.
Different types of crops which ADRA Office provided to farmers in the seven districts of the impact area promise a high yield. This includes maize, ground nut, pigeon peas, soya beans, cassava and potatoes.
On the area of HIV/AIDS, it was encouraging to learn that people on the grassroots know the basic information about HIV/AIDS which they can use to avoid the contraction of the HI virus. More people are open to talk about their HIV status more especially those that are in support groups as their number increase by day.
Condom usage, both male and female, as a protective measure from HIVirus and STIs and family planning is on the increase as the informed demand in the communities is growing.
The monitoring and evaluation team, shade more light on indicator and progress made so far in achieving project objectives according to ADRA Malawi’s log frame.
In the area of media, that is, television, radio, video shows and community dialogue session, it was learnt that the nation as a whole has significantly profited from these programs. Tikuferanji enjoyed an award from the public Broadcaster, Malawi Broadcasting Cooperation (MBC) for being best radio play elected by the public.
With the video shows ADRA was able to reach out to the most rural areas where information is not easily accessible.
On the other hand, there were some challenges which were faced, erratic rains that destroyed some crops.
Communication processes were also a challenge as information is not able to trickle down to the grassroots as expected. Staff were encouraged to work hard in their different fields and improve at field office level, community level, district level and office level because brings cohesiveness as people work in real partnerships.
Author: Gladys Phiri
Project Communications Assistant